For the past 10 years, IOM has been working with Ministry of Health and Sports (MOHS), State and Township Health Authorities and Communities and partner to develop and deliver extensive and comprehensive health programming with focus on HIV, TB and Malaria; Maternal and Child Health, Sexual Reproductive Health Gender Based Violence; and Health System Strengthening for migrants, mobility impacted communities and host communities across Myanmar. 

Health Assessments

IOM implements the UKTB Programme in Myanmar on behalf of the UK Government which provides Tuberculosis screening for applicants for UK visas. All Myanmar resident applicants for UK visas of 6 months duration or longer must undergo a screening and examination to detect or rule out active tuberculosis (TB). IOM is the only authorized organization to provide this service in Myanmar and operates an independent Health Assessment Clinic located within the Pun Hlaing Hospital in Yangon. Due to the screening tests involved, applicants should undertake their screening at least 10 weeks before planned departure for the UK.

For information and appointments for UKTB Screening – call +95 9254036310

Migration Health Policy, Research and Technical Support

IOM works closely with the Ministry of Health and Sports (MOHS) in Myanmar to strengthen migration health management through research, policy and technical advice and to assist Myanmar in efforts to implement the World Health Assembly Resolution 61.17 on the Health of Migrants. IOM supports MOHS to view health policies and systems with a migration lens and to bring together multi-sectoral stakeholders to coordinate and mainstream migration health initiatives.

HIV, TB and Malaria

In the South East of Myanmar, IOM provides antiretroviral therapy (ART) for over 1,800 patients in Mon and Kayin States, diagnoses approximately 650 new TB cases per quarter, oversees 100 active Outreach Health Workers providing community based HIV and TB services. IOM also oversees 200 volunteers for Malaria community case management (CCM), providing malaria tests to 60,000 malaria suspect patients and treating those who are positive with malaria in Mon and Kayin States. IOM distributed more than 70,000 long lasting insecticide treated nets in the two States. These programs are currently supported by Global Fund with a total budget of approximately USD 15 million over five years.

With the funding from Asian Development Bank (ADB), IOM also implements malaria projects to increase access to malaria prevention, testing, and treatment for Mobile and Migrant Populations (MMPs) in Myanmar, Lao PDR and Cambodia, targeting for employees at work site setting.

IOM has undertaken operational research on the links between Mobility and HIV linked to the ASEAN Economic Corridors in order to provide health providers with up to date information about HIV hotspots and for better targeted intervention strategies with ADB funding. IOM has also conducted operational research on “Evaluation of the surveillance system of day 3 P.falciparum positive cases in migrant and host communities of Mon and Kayin States” to evaluate the surveillance system for day 3 P. falciparum positive cases in migrant and host communities in Mon and Kayin States. In addition, IOM also conducted an operational research on “Factors associated with tuberculosis treatment default amongst migrants and mobile population in Myanmar”, currently in process to identify prevailing factors associated with tuberculosis treatment default and analyse the barriers for tuberculosis treatment adherence as well as the health and social needs of migrants to ensure tuberculosis treatment are completed.

Maternal and Child Health

IOM is a key implementing partner of the 3MDG Fund, and supporting township health departments by collaborative approach to increase access to maternal, newborn and child health services among poor and hard-to-reach populations. IOM implements MNCH activities in 2 townships in Ayeyarwaddy Region, 7 townships in Kayah State and 2 townships in Rakhine State. Through these programs, IOM supports approximately 7,500 emergency obstetric and child referrals per year, has supported the training for over 1,500 voluntary health workers, and these activities have led to year-on-year reductions in maternal and child mortality. IOM also conducted operational research on accessibility and utilization of maternal and child health care services among migrant population in the delta region. This evidence based approach has provided inputs for policy makers at different levels in order to enhance their awareness on promoting equity and better understanding of demand side interventions, and providing possible mechanisms to promote the health care utilization among migrant mothers and children. 

Health System Strengthening

In Rakhine State, IOM works with township and state health departments to address barriers in the accessibility, availability and quality of health services for all communities. By addressing both the barriers of accessing health care including identification of cases needing referral, cost of transport and treatment, and knowledge of community and health workers; as well as addressing barriers in providing health care such as technical capacity, equipment and supplies, and ability access health facilities, IOM assists MOHS to improve standards for all populations within project townships in Rakhine State.

Sexual Reproductive Health and Gender Based Violence

IOM in partnership with UNFPA works closely with the State and Township Health Departments to increase the access of women and girls to comprehensive, rights-based sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services. The approach follows the integrated approach on health system strengthening for the whole township and will leverage existing relationships and programs two townships of Rakhine State. The project focus on; strengthening government capacity in the provision of quality SRH and GBV service provision; increasing knowledge of GBV basic concepts understanding and referral pathway amongst service providers, Community Based Organisations (CBOs), INGOs, NGOs and duty bearers; bridging service delivery gaps in hard to reach areas of the townships; and increasing community and youth awareness and engagement in SRH and GBV issues and services.

Main Projects
  • Targeted HIV prevention and Community based HIV prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care and support in mobility impacted communities
  • Community based TB awareness, detection, diagnosis and treatment in mobility impacted communities
  • Community based Malaria awareness, detection, diagnosis and treatment in mobility impacted communities
  • Increasing access to malaria prevention, testing, and treatment for Mobile and Migrant Populations (MMPs)
  • Essential Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health (MNCH) Services for Hard-to-Reach Populations in Ayeyarwady Region
  • Essential Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health (MNCH) Services for Hard-to-Reach Populations in Kayah State and Rakhine State
  • Supplementary Feeding for Vulnerable HIV and TB Patients In IOM’s Integrated Migration Health Programme with WFP support in Eastern Myanmar
  • United Kingdom Tuberculosis Detection Programme (UKTB)
  • Township Approach to Improve Access for Women and Girls to Integrated GBV and SRH Services in Rakhine State