Quiénes Somos
Quiénes somosLa Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM) forma parte del Sistema de las Naciones Unidas y es la organización intergubernamental líder que desde 1951 promueve una migración humana y ordenada para beneficio de todos, con 174 Estados Miembros y presencia en más de 100 países.
IOM Global
IOM Global
Nuestro Trabajo
Nuestro TrabajoComo organización intergubernamental líder que desde 1951 promueve la migración humana y ordenada, la OIM juega un rol clave en cuanto a apoyar el logro de la Agenda 2030 por medio de diferentes áreas de intervención que conectan a la asistencia humanitaria con el desarrollo sostenible.
- Datos y Recursos
- Actúa
- 2030 Agenda
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) invites you to get involved, take action and participate in different collective initiatives to make migration work for all.
Everybody has an important role to play in making migration work for all, including migrants and the communities of origin, transit and destination.
Migration affects and is affected by all areas of sustainable development. Migration governance will be a success factor for the achievement of the 2030 Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Being a member of the IOM team requires the highest standards of efficiency, competence and integrity. IOM also aims to maintain an equitable geographical balance among its staff. As such, our recruitment efforts target, but are not necessarily limited to, nationals of our Member States. We are an equal opportunity employer and seek committed professionals with a wide variety of skills in the field of migration. IOM staff work in multi-cultural environments, in which diversity and cultural sensitivity are valued.
A valuable factor in IOM's good standing among Member States and donors is its careful stewardship of entrusted funds. As IOM continues to grow in response to global migration challenges, our procurement needs grow as well. We employ the highest ethical standards in all procurement transactions and choose vendors and service providers based on our policies and defined selection criteria.